Communication internationale

Engagement environnemental


Nous travaillons avec des ONG, des associations, des institutions publiques et privées, des activistes environnementaux et des leaders d’opinion.

Nous leur apportons une valeur ajoutée stratégique et opérationnelle. Nous détectons le potentiel de leurs campagnes et adaptons leurs messages. Nous définissons des stratégies sur mesure afin d’obtenir un impact médiatique maximal et une répercussion tant dans la presse que sur les réseaux sociaux.

#Claire Nouvian
#Marine Protected Areas
#Public Subsidies
#Seafood Labels
#Electric Fishing
#Bottom Trawling
#Deep Sea
#Fisheries in Africa
#Small Scale Fisheries
#EU Irregularities
#Tuna Gate
#Illegal Fishing
#Fraud and Corruption 
#Harmful Oil and Gas Drilling

#Ocean Protection
#Plastic-Free Future
#Surfing for Science
#Citizen Commitment
#Ocean Volunteers
#Coastal Defenders
#Marine Litter
#Pellets Pollution
#Sea Level Rise
#Water Quality and Health
#Marine Renewable Energy
#Positive Change and Activism
#Ocean Lovers Social Actors
#Environmental Justice
#Scientific and Legal Expertise

#Mediterranean and Black Sea Regional Fisheries
#Responsible Use of Living Marine Resources
#Sustainable Development of Aquaculture
#Small Scale Fisheries
#Farmed Aquatic Food
#Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
#Juveniles Commercial Species
#Farming Non-Native Species
#Marine Invaders
#Reports Studies and Reviews
#Food and Agriculture Security
#Blue Transformation and Healthy Seas
#Artisanal Fishers
#Biological Social Economic Environmental Dimensions

#La grande migration du vivant
#The greatest animal migration
#Natural phenomenon
#Underwater explorer
#1 Ocean expedition
#South Africa wild coast
#State of the ocean
#Photographer Alexis Rosenfeld
#Awarded images
#Mediterranean sea
#Gorgones protection
#Documentary film
#Scientific research missions
#Sardine run
#Fossil energy exploration
#Threat to biodiversity
#Explore and document the ocean depths

#Environmental certification program
#Improve European maritime industry
#Environmental performance beyond regulations
#Air water and soil quality
#Ship innovation
#Sustainability for the ocean
#Blue carbon
#Energy transition
#Maritime commitment
#Net Zero 2050
#Biodiversity protection
#Green technologies
#Reduce environmental footprint
#European marine label
#Ship recycling
#Technological progress
#Shipyards and ports
#REVEAL event

#Hub of biodiversity
#Ramsar sites
#Climate justice
#Stop greenwashing
#Fossil free finance
#Climate emergency
#Restricting finance
#Wetlands conservation
#Make polluters pay
#Indigenous communities
#Regulate the banks
#Strict green policies
#Social environment and climate change
#Amazonian Oil and Gas Ventures
#Ecological menace of oil drilling
#Ruthless exploitation
#forest destruction
#Prioritize people planet and Indigenous rights
#A call for complete divestment

#Ocean Conservation
#High Seas Treaty
#Deep Sea Protection
#Ocean-Climate Solutions
#Antarctic Protection
#UN Ocean Conference
#Ocean Biodiversity
#Sharks and Rays defenders
#Goodbye to Ocean Plastic
#Stop Deep Sea Mining
#Coral Conservation
#Philippe Cousteau

#The Monsanto Papers
#Gilles-Éric Séralini
#Molecular Biology
#Dangerous Pesticides
#Roundup and Glyphocate
#Scientific Studies
#Planet and Health at Risk
#Fraud and Corruption 
#Food And Chemical Toxicology
#For a Sustainable and Organic Food
#Toxic Secrets and Hidden Poisons 
#Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

#Stop Amiante
#Stop Pesticides
#Mutuelles solidaires
#Mutuelles engagées
#Prévention santé
#Santé environnement
#Parlement Européen
#Bienveillance sociale
#Mouvement Mutualiste
#Santé planétaire
#Pari solidaire

#Solutions To Climate Change
#Bertrand Piccard
#Boosting Efficient Solutions
#Clean And Profitable Technologies
#Environmental Challenges
#Clean Energies
#Solutions Guide for Cities
#Energy and environmental Programs
#Carbon Footprint Reduction
#Ecological Transition
#Environmental Footprint Reduction
#Environment and Profitability
#Climate Action
#A Pool of Solutions

#World Expedition
#Save the Ocean from Plastic
#Simon Bernard
#Clean Up the Past
#Build the Future
#Low Tech Solutions
#Open Source
#A Three-Year Mission
#Recycling Plastic Waste
#Sailors and Scientists
#Recycling Academy
#Onboard Laboratory
#Local Communities and Entrepreneurs
#Reduce Plastic Pollution
#Coastal Cities

#Clean-up rivers
#Floating boom
#Natural power of the water flow
#Low carbon footprint
#Smart technology
#Success story
#Environmental engineer
#Cost-effective solutions
#Stop the plastics
#No waste in the rivers
#scalable innovation
#Award-winning environmental tech
#Oil spill response
#Harnessing Ocean energy
#Remove plastic waste

#Food For All
#Alimentando Un Futuro Sostenible
#Food Insecurity
#Healthy and Sustainable Nutrition
#Fair Society
#Ensure a Liveable Planet
#Access to Quality Food
#Family Growth
#Spain Poverty
#Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso

#Mediterranean Coastal Wetlands
#Nature Based Solutions
#Ramsar Initiative
#Wetlands Conservation
#Resources and Services
#Sustainable Use
#Wetlands People 
#Biodiversity loss
#Ecosystem Restoration
#Marine and Coastal Wetlands
#27 Mediterranean Countries
#Flora And Fauna Protection
#High Ecological Value

#Mouvement De Mobilisation Citoyenne
#L’affaire du Siècle
#Zone Sauvage
#Construire Aujourd’hui Le Monde De Demain
#Préservation Animaux Sauvages Menacés d’Extinction
#Pour Le Vivant Et La Justice Sociale
#Érosion De La Biodiversité
#Enjeux Sociétaux Et Environnementaux
#Sensibiliser Jeunesse
#Réduction De l’Impact Sur Le Climat
#Campagne Citoyenne
#Transformation Vitale
#Magali Payen
#Pour Un Monde Plus Respectueux Du Vivant

#Marine Biodiversity Conservation
#Fragile Marine Ecosystems Protection
#Defenders of the Ocean
#Auction for the Ocean
#Climate Change
#Race For Pure Ocean
#Floating Reef
#Mangrove Beekeeping
#Reed Reborn
#Citizen Science
#Sustainable Use of Marine Resources
#Techniques To Restore the Ocean

#Mediterranean Recovery Action
#Biodiversity Protection
#Destructive fisheries
#Marine Ecosystems
#Habitats And Species
#Human Impact
#Fish Stocks
#Fisheries Restricted Areas

#Eco Artist
#Stephanie Lerner
#Artistic Textile Digital Project
#Alert on the Impact of Global Warming
#For the Restoration of Coral Reefs
#Transformation of Marine Waste
#Ecosystems under Threats
#Plastic Pollution
#Recycling Fishing Nets 
#Creativity for the Ocean
#Sustainable Art

#EU Overfishing
#Stop Fuel Subsidies for Fishing
#Fish Carbon
#European Waters
#Fisheries Management
#Restore a Healthy Ocean ecosystem
#Call For an End to Overfishing
#Biodiversity and Climate Crisis
#Less Fish to Eat
#Sustainable Fish Stocks for The Future

#Environmental Innovation
#Socio-Economic Initiative
#Environmental Policies
#Research Commitment
#Optimising Forest Management
#Bio Waste
#Smart Control of the Climate Resilience
#End Overfishing
#Eliminate Harmful Fisheries Subsidies
#Marine Litter Management
#Aquaculture Policies

En savoir plus sur nous ?

Pour faire connaissance, rien de mieux que de se parler ou se rencontrer.

Appelez-nous ou écrivez-nous. Parlez-nous de votre projet et de vos objectifs. Nous analyserons ensemble la meilleure stratégie pour les atteindre et établirons une feuille de route commune pour les mettre en œuvre.

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